Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Real life goes undefined"

A.F.I. 'Summer Shudder'

6.17.2008 8.13pm
It will be interesting to see how everyone's vision quest went.

We stayed at Caroline's last night so this morning me and Ernest made eggs and toast and Caroline made us coffee, mmm. Tristen, Roxanne, and I all got to observe Carry's SS class today. For SS the kids have to take an exam to get in and pay money for tuition. It was a lot more exciting than the JSS class. The kids willingly participated, asked questions, moved through the material fairly quickly, and in general were pretty well behaved.

Carry was teaching the same thing for her 3 classes so we went back to her house and relaxed. I read, wrote, and listened to some music (for the first time since I left Ohio), while the other two took a nap. It was also the first time I actually got to sit back and think for a minute. We've been running around so much that we haven't had a lot of free time, and virtually no time to ourselves. Once I get my site I'll probably have way more free time than I know what to do with. Tomorrow it's off to Kukurantumi for training and site assignments. I'm a little nervous...


Kat said...

Hi Liz,
I'm an eavesdropper loving the stories of your experiences. I was a volunteer in Ghana from 1969-1971. We were the first group ever to train completely overseas, and I remember well those months.

Ghana became my home during those two years in Bolgatanga and I loved just about every minute. Cherish these years. They will change you, nourish you, amaze you, annoy you and give you entry into the most amazing community of returned Peace Corps volunteers.

Viv said...

hey liz! i almost forgot you had this blog up and running. i'm glad things seem to be going well. i want to send you a i send it to the address you've posted on this blog a while back?

miss ya! i hope you're doing well as you're reading this.

Megan said...


We miss you so much! It's a lot more disturbing to see your host mother running around shirtless without you to laugh with!

